Monday, November 22, 2010

What is it that you're greatful for?

          I am greatful for many things in my life but, I would have to say that the person I am the most greatful for is my mother Dalila. I am greatful for my mother because not only is she a great parent but, she is a great friend as well. She is always there to give me advice and to help me through problems. She puts me first before she puts herself and she has given me a great life. Everything that I have ever wanted in life she has given me and she has also taught me things that I will need to know for the future like cooking, and managing money. My mother has showed me what its like to work for what you want and she has given me great morals. Respecting my elders is something extremely important that she taught me.
         One of the things that I admire the most about my mother is the fact that she is a single parent. She raised both me and my sister on her own and has given us the best life ever. I had such a great childhood growing up and she is the reason why. She has always been a hard worker. She worked extremely hard to give me and my sister the life she never had. Growing up in Colombia times were hard for her and she had to work since the age of ten. She never really had much because all of her money went to her parents to help raise her brothers and sisters. My mother also never got a chance to finish school and I think thats why she pushes me and my sister to finish school and strive for the best. I think I get alot of my characteristics from my mother because she is one of the most loyal people I know and thats probably why her friends have been friends with her for over twenty years. That right there says alot.
       There has been times where me and my mother have disagreed on something, which is only natural because nobodys perfect but she tries to teach me right from wrong. I try to take in as much I could from her because she is somebody I look up to alot. I know nobody is perfect in this world but, she is the closest thing to perfection in my eyes. My mother never complains about anything even though she has a few health problems like osteoperosis and high blood pressure.I know sometimes shes in pain but she doesn't show it.  I love my mother unconditionally and one day I hope that I can grow up and be at least half of the woman that she is. She is a role model, a wonderful mother, a hard worker, and a great friend. Dalila Melaik is what I am the most greatful for in life and It is a blessing to have such a wonderful mom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog #4 Editing

       Editing someone else's paper was a bit difficult. I say this because I did not want to write anything that was going to hurt the person's feelings. I learned that when you critisize somebody it can bring their self esteem down so it is nice to compliment them too. It was also difficult because I did not want to write so much negativity to the point where they end up thinking that their paper is not good. I think a good way to help someone develop their paper is saying something like " I think this is a good paper but, to make it a great paper you can...." Trying not to hurt someone's feelings is probably the hardest thing to do when ur correcting things is difficult but, aside from that I like editing papers. I like editing papers because it gives me a chance to express my feelings on the paper. I can talk about what I liked and what I did not like or what were the strongest point of the paper. My favorite part about editing papers probably has to be the spelling mistakes. I think I am good at catching most of them. It also lets me help someone out which is good because sometimes it is hard to be a critic to your own work. When two people look at the same thing, they usually have different views on it. This is a good thing because different opinions open up different ideas.
     Editing someone else's work also helped me look at my own work differently and can help me point out what I may need to change. You are your toughest critic so if you can jude another person's work then you should be able to really push yourself to your limit to know what needs correction on your own work. The comments that I used for editing another person's paper is helpful now for me because I can look to see if my paper has a strong thesis, a good introduction that catches the readers attention, good organization, selection of evidence, weak or strong quoteing styles, developing body paragraphs and a good conclusion. I can also look at my paper with fresh eyes since I know what needs to be done. I can make certain points stronger and I can cut unecessary information that is just going to bore the reader. I say this because If you have run on sentences or information that has no value, the reader will get bored (I have witnessed some of these things today editiong papers.) In a funny way, editing someone else's paper is like a lesson learned because you viewed it for youself, you saw what was wrong and now you know better so you wont make that same mistake.